Safe Work Environment

Our top priority is a healthy and safe work environment for everybody. We have Automatic Hand Sanitizers Installed and do Regular Temperature Checks at the Entry. Our Office is sanitized on a daily basis and we follow the Covid-19 Protocols.

We are in this Together

Office On team is trained in Health and Safety Measures. We believe that it is everyone’s responsibility and duty to be responsible during this time and we promote safe working environment.

Social Distancing Without Any Loss Of Community

Our shared spaces have evolved to allow for glass separators, distanced sitting arrangement, emphasising everyone to wear masks and sanitising their hands regularly. This helps integrate flexibility, safety, and a managed access to community back into business workplace.

Workplace Sanitization

We have sanitizer placed at the entrance for everyone to sanitize their hands before entering the office and we disinfect the office everyday. We focus highly on cleaning frequent touch surfaces and following Covid-19 guidlines.

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