What is Coworking and Why You Need Coworking Space?

Anshu Anand

Content Writer & Editor, Office On

Unboxing the world of coworking: a comprehensive guide covering their evolution, diverse types, and uses. Explore the benefits and features suitable for everyone, along with tips and insights into their future.

What Is Coworking: A Detailed Guide On Coworking Space

The landscape of coworking has changed dramatically in the past few years. As someone who has witnessed the seismic shift from the traditional office environment to vibrant coworking, I can’t help but marvel at its rapid evolution. These shared spaces symbolized the future of work, but many still struggle to understand them. In this guide, I will delve into the essence of coworking - what it is, how it benefits modern professionals and more. So, strap in your seatbelt and join me in this adventure.

What is a Coworking Space?

A coworking space, in the simplest terms, is a shared workspace where professionals from various fields come together to work independently yet within a communal setting. Unlike traditional offices, these spaces offer flexible memberships and boast amenities that are necessary for modern working professionals to succeed.

The History of Coworking

The transformation in our work culture over the past decades is nothing short of fascinating. And while the term coworking might be considered a bit new, it has been around for some time.

To understand coworking spaces, we first must understand how they got to their current stage. Here are some of the significant milestones that are part of the history of coworking.

  • 1995: It is a crucial year in the evolution of the modern coworking spaces that we see nowadays. In 1995, the first hackerspace was inaugurated in Berlin. They were the precursor to coworking spaces and served as the prototype for the modern version we see today.
  • 1999: Apple introduced iBook, a revolutionary product for professionals to work on the go. It marked a new era for mobile workspace, empowering freelancers and entrepreneurs.
  • 2002: An ‘entrepreneur cafe’ opened up in Vienna. It laid the blueprint for shared, community-driven workspaces.
  • 2005: San Francisco becomes the home to the first official coworking establishment, offering a vibrant alternative to solitary home offices.
  • 2008: The stock market crash of 2008 inadvertently gave rise to the coworking culture, as more and more professionals started seeking flexible and cost-effective workspace alternatives.
  • 2010: WeWork entered the market, starting in New York. It introduced a blend of design, function, and community that soon became synonymous with coworking culture.
  • 2013: Coworking firmly established with over 2,500 reported coworking spaces around the world.

What is Coworking Space Used For?

As mentioned earlier, coworking space is a shared working environment where professionals from diverse fields come together. But it is more than just a physical location to work - it is a nexus of creativity and collaboration. It is a dynamic environment that caters to a myriad of professional needs.

Freelancers, for instance, utilize these spaces to combat the isolation of working from their homes. Coworking spaces allow them to immerse themselves in a buzzing environment that fosters networking. On the other hand, startups and SMEs leverage these coworking spaces for their cost-effectiveness and flexibility, often finding that the scalability aligns with their growth trajectories.

These spaces are not just desks and conference rooms to utilize at your convenience. They are epicenters for education and connection; regular workshops, seminars, and mixers are common sights here, offering tenants the chance to upskill and expand their professional networks.

Who Uses Coworking Space?

Coworking spaces are a melting pot of industries and professions, attracting a wide array of people who seek a fusion of flexibility, functionality, and community. These spaces are ideal for all sorts of professionals, from individuals setting their entrepreneurial journey in motion to established businesses.


Freelancers were the first to hop on the trend of using coworking spaces - and it is completely unsurprising. Independent professionals find coworking spaces perfect for escaping the distractions of home, offering a structured atmosphere that enhances productivity and networking opportunities.

Remote Workers

Another group who has readily accepted coworking spaces is remote workers. Those who telecommute find coworking spaces a home away from home, where not only can they work independently but not in isolation. Coworking spaces allow them to continue working in a professional environment and stay connected to a professional community.


The coworking environment is uniquely suited for startups looking to establish themselves in a competitive market. Coworking spaces offer them the adaptability needed to scale up or down as needed, alongside invaluable opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Small Businesses

Coworking spaces are also highly useful for small businesses that want to operate in a professional environment but at the same time want to minimize overhead costs. These shared spaces maximize opportunities for collaboration with like-minded entrepreneurs.


Coworking spaces allow large corporations to tap into shared working scenery and decentralize their work environment. Doing so boosts creativity among employees and fosters innovation through diverse interactions.


After freelancers, consultants were the next to jump on the bandwagon of shared coworking spaces. Consultants benefit from the professional setting for meetings, the flexibility, and the networking potential that these spaces provide.

Non Profits

Non-profits often operate with a limited budget, making traditional office setup unviable for them. Coworking spaces provide a working environment at a reduced cost, something non-profit organizations greatly appreciate.

What are the 12 Types of Coworking Space?

Coworking spaces have evolved into various forms, each tailored to meet the distinct needs of different users. Now, you should not be surprised to see all sorts of coworking setups, from luxurious setups to niche-specific environments, so navigating them can be a challenge. Thankfully, I can make this task easier. Here are the 12 different types of coworking spaces that have emerged in this dynamic sector.

1. Conventional Coworking Spaces

Conventional coworking spaces are exactly what you envision when someone says the term ‘coworking spaces.’ They are typical, open-plan coworking environments and are ideal for freelancers and remote coworkers. These spaces offer a mix of hot desks, private booths, and communal areas for networking and collaboration.

2. High-End Coworking Space

These are upscale coworking spaces with premium amenities like ergonomic furniture, high-tech facilities, and often, in-house cafes and wellness centers. These shared office spaces cater to professionals seeking luxury alongside their work.

3. Corporate Coworking Space

These shared spaces are uniquely designed for larger teams and corporations that consist of such teams. These spaces excellently combine the flexibility of coworking with a structured, office-like environment, complete with high-end facilities and privacy.

4. Private Workspaces

Tailored for those who need seclusion amidst a coworking setup, offering enclosed areas that teams or individuals can personalize and use without disturbance. These shared spaces are popular among freelancers who handle sensitive work.

5. Minimal / Bare Bones

Minimal coworking spaces are focused on essentials, providing basic amenities without the frills. They are perfect for those who prioritize affordability and simplicity in their work environment.

6. Subleased

These involve renting out a portion of an existing office space, offering a cost-effective solution with shared resources. These shared spaces are often located in prime locations, making them accessible for professionals of varying backgrounds.

7. Lifestyle

Lifestyle coworking spaces integrate with lifestyle elements. These spaces seamlessly blend work and life seamlessly - and they do that masterfully. They appeal to those who seek work in this industry and are essentially a reflection of the business that hosts them.

8. Industry-Specific

Coworking spaces have evolved from shared spaces for everyone to industry-specific spaces tailored for particular sectors such as tech, creative arts, or finance. These spaces are equipped with specialized tools and foster a community of professionals in similar fields.

9. Women-Centric Coworking Spaces

There is a demand in the market for safe working spaces for women. To answer this demand, women-centric coworking spaces have popped up all around the world. These spaces are dedicated to supporting women professionals and entrepreneurs and are focused on creating a safe, empowering environment.

10. Accelerated

Ideal for accelerators and startups that are looking for a relaxed, energetic, and collaborative environment. They come with all the essential amenities that they need, including a meeting space for all the team members to gather.

11. Meeting Spaces

These are designated areas within coworking spaces designed for privacy and vous, equipped for meetings, presentations, or workshops. These meeting spaces come with advanced conferencing technology and are adaptable to various professional gatherings.

12. Virtual Offices

Not all businesses require a physical office setup, and for those, there are virtual offices available. These spaces offer mail handling, a professional address, and phone services. They are perfect for remote workers or businesses looking to establish a presence in new locations without the overhead of a physical office.

What are the 10 Key Features of Coworking Spaces?

Coworking spaces have risen in popularity because they have transformed themselves to meet the dynamic needs of today’s workforce. These spaces are equipped with features that foster productivity, creativity, and collaboration. Here are ten key features that define the essence of coworking spaces:

1. Flexible Seating Arrangements

Coworking spaces offer hot desks, dedicated desks, private offices, and more. They provide flexibility for various work styles and team sizes, catering to individual preferences and team dynamics.

2. High-Speed Internet Connectivity

It is a fundamental feature of these shared spaces. In the modern working environment, having access to fast and reliable internet is essential. These spaces provide robust & reliable internet, essential for seamless digital tasks and virtual meetings.

3. State-of-the-Art Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms, offered by coworking spaces, in 2023 are equipped with advanced AV technology. These rooms are designed for a range of purposes, from formal client meetings to interactive team brainstorming sessions, ensuring every discussion is productive.

4. Networking and Community

These are the hallmarks of the coworking spaces. They offer a dynamic environment for networking, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among professionals from varied industries.

5. 24 x 7 Operational Access

Many coworking spaces provide 24 x 7 operational access to their facilities, addressing the needs of different work schedules. This round-the-clock access ensures that the work is not constrained by traditional office hours.

6. All-Inclusive Office Amenities

These shared office spaces typically come equipped with essential office facilities like reliable Wi-Fi and printing and scanning setup, alongside communal areas such as kitchens and lounges. All these, dare I say, perfectly blend functionality with comfort.

7. Workshops and Event Spaces

Coworking spaces, especially the ones in the Delhi NCR region, regularly host educational workshops and social events. They are not just a place of work but are hubs of continuous learning and community engagement, contributing to both the personal and professional growth of their members.

8. On-Site IT Support

Not all of us can be an expert in IT (I certainly am not), which makes immediate technical support offered by these coworking spaces that much more useful. The on-site team at coworking spaces immediately addresses and resolves any IT-related issues and ensures a smooth, uninterrupted work experience for all members.

9. Mail Handling and Professional Address

Coworking spaces provide businesses with a professional, prestigious address for correspondence, along with secure mail-handling services. It certainly adds to the convenience of remote workers and traveling professionals.

10. Prime Location and Accessibility

Situated in key urban areas, these spaces offer easy accessibility. And their presence in prestigious business districts at the same time enhances the professional image and networking opportunities for their members.

What are the 8 Benefits of Using Coworking Space?

Now that I have made you, our readers, familiar with the key features of coworking spaces, it is time to look at their advantages - and there sure is a range of them. These shared spaces, as mentioned earlier, cater to the evolving needs of today’s workforce, and here are eight significant benefits of opting for them:

1. Cost Effectiveness

Coworking spaces provide a professional working environment without the overhead costs of leasing or maintaining a traditional office. Not only do these spaces eliminate the hefty expenses, but they offer the luxury of a fully equipped office, complete with utilities, without long-term financial commitments.

2. Rich Networking Opportunities

Coworking spaces are bustling hubs of diverse professionals and, therefore, automatically provide abundant opportunities for networking. Members of these spaces can connect with people from various fields, opening doors to potential collaborations, client leads, and invaluable business relationships.

3. Unmatched Flexibility

Another huge benefit that I have experienced using these shared spaces is their flexibility. As a member, I have the freedom to choose from various membership plans, including hourly, daily, or monthly options. It certainly accommodates the ever-changing demands of my business needs and personal schedules.

4. Increased Productivity

These spaces are tailored to minimize distractions that are common in home offices or public cafes. A coworking space creates an environment that enhances the focus and productivity of its members. The presence of like-minded professionals further motivates and drives efficiency.

5. Access to Premium Amenities

What is one thing that any modern professional needs to work productivity in their office space - premium amenities, such as high-speed internet, sophisticated meeting rooming, printing facilities, and more. It is nearly impossible for a member to work without having access to them (I certainly can’t), and this is where these shared spaces come in handy.

6. Community and Collaborative Spirit

Coworking spaces foster a strong sense of community among its members, offering a support system that working from home lacks. The environment of collaboration and mutual support can be incredibly motivating and enriching.

7. Improved Work-Life Balance

The convenience and flexibility provided by coworking spaces contribute to a healthier work-life balance. Members of these coworking spaces can choose to work hours that align with their personal lives, reduce commute time, and spend more time with their families.

8. An Environment that Sparks Innovation

Many coworking spaces, especially in the Delhi NCR region, are designed to inspire creativity. They often feature contemporary, ergonomic designs and artful interiors that stimulate innovation and creative thinking.

What are the 6 Drawbacks of Coworking Space?

While there is no doubt that coworking spaces offer numerous (something we have listed above), it does not mean that it is a perfect solution. Not at all. These spaces also come with certain drawbacks that are important to consider. Here are six downsides of using these shared spaces:

1. Lack of Privacy

Shared spaces, by their definition, refer to the potential lack of privacy in these spaces - something I can attend to. Open floor plans and shared spaces make confidential conversations of focused work challenging.

2. Noise and Distractions

A quiet atmosphere is not something that goes hand-in-hand with coworking spaces. The communal nature of these spaces leads to higher noise levels and more distractions, which might not suit everyone. Individuals might be forced to opt for private cabins to get their work done.

3. Limited Customization

Unlike a traditional office, coworking spaces offer limited opportunities for personalization or branding of your workspace. It is a sure drawback for businesses that are seeking to establish a strong brand identity in their office environment.

4. Variable Availability

Popular coworking spaces or certain amenities within them can something be high in demand, leading to availability issues. Who would like to stand in a queue to print their documents? This unpredictability is challenging for those who require access to specific resources at all times or on an immediate basis.

5. Networking Overload

There is something called too much networking, as it can lead to one feeling overwhelmed with the situation. The pressure to socialize or attend events can be counterproductive, especially for those who would rather prefer to focus on their work.

6. Less Control Over Environment

It goes without saying that members of these communal spaces have less individual control over them. Factors such as lighting in the space, AC temperature, and general office layout will require you to have lengthy discussions with other members. This lack of control is a significant drawback to those who have specific preferences for their work environment.

How Coworking Space Works?

Understanding how coworking spaces work is essential in getting the most out of them. It will also help you navigate them more effectively. Here is a step-by-step guide:

How Coworking Space Works

Step 1: Research and Identify

Begin by finding coworking spaces that suit what you need and in your desired location. Look for key factors like location, amenities, review, and pricing to shortlist spaces that seem suitable.

Step 2: Schedule A Visit

While a virtual tour of the shared working space is often good enough, to truly understand the picture, you must pay a visit to the facilities. Use this opportunity to inspect whether the offering is in line with what is being claimed by the coworking space. Get a sense of community atmosphere and understand the kind of amenities and services offered.

Step 3: Assess Membership Plans

Don’t forget to examine the various membership options that are being offered at the coworking space. Explore the varying options, such as flexible day passes to long-term memberships. Consider which plan aligns best with your work schedule and budget.

Step 4: Complete the Registration Process

This step might require you to fill out necessary registration forms and complete other administrative procedures (such as signing a contract) required by the coworking space. This step often involves providing business details and making the first payment.

Step 5: Start Working

Set up your workspace in the designated area. Connect with the local, secure internet and print connections, and start utilizing your workspace. Don’t forget to engage with the coworking community.

Step 6: Continuous Evaluation

Regularly evaluate whether the coworking spaces are providing you with what you need in your operation. Fill out the feedback forms to make sure both you and your coworking space are on the same page.

7 Tips on how to Choose a Coworking Space

Now you know everything there is to know about coworking spaces. However, there is still a topic left to delve into, and that is choosing the right coworking space. Naturally, you would want to make the best choice when it comes to picking up a coworking space. It is crucial for your productivity and professional growth. Here are eight tips that will help you make the best choice:

1. Identify your Needs

Begin by pinpointing exactly what you want for your coworking space - list your specific requirements. Do you need a quiet corner for deep focus, collaborative spaces for team projects, or something else entirely? Only by understanding your work style and needs can you even start your foray into finding the perfect coworking space.

2. Location is Key

While it is true that there are many factors that go into choosing a coworking space, location is undoubtedly at the top of such a list. Opt for a location that is not only convenient for you but also accessible for clients or collaborators. A central, well-connected location can save your commuting time, enhance your lifestyle, and provide greater opportunities for business growth.

3. Amenities and Facilities

Scrutinize the available amenities to your heart’s content. A coworking space is only as good as the amenities that are offered there. High-speed internet, printing services, well-equipped meeting rooms, and dedicated desks are a must for any shared working space. Ensure that your preferred coworking space supports your daily tasks and enhances your work efficiency.

4. Community and Culture Fit

It is possible that this point might not have even crossed your mind, but you can only ignore this at your peril. Each coworking space has a unique culture. You must spend time in the space to understand its vibe. Does it provide an environment that would allow you to perform at your best? Does it offer a supportive community? Find answers to these before making a choice.

5. Flexible Membership Options

Your work demands may change over time, so it is vital for you to opt for a coworking space that offers flexibility in its membership plans. Whether it is adjustable desks, private offices, or part-time access, ensure that the coworking space can accommodate your evolving needs.

6. Budget Constraints

While it is true coworking spaces are generally cost-effective (especially when compared to traditional spaces), it does not mean that they all are priced the same. These vary in price. So, you must determine your budget and evaluate the cost against the value provided. Also, remember to account for any hidden costs or hidden charges for premium amenities.

7. Prioritize Security and Privacy

It is a crucial step, especially for those handling sensitive information. Both of these factors are simply non-negotiable. It would be wise of you to inquire about the security protocols in place, such as CCTV Cameras, secure Internet Connections, and even lockable storage.

The Future of Coworking

As I reflect on the evolution of coworking spaces over the years, there is one thing I can clearly state - Coworking culture and coworking spaces are here to stay. They represent a paradigm shift in our understanding of work - and it will take something massive to change our thinking. Looking ahead, the future of coworking seems to be marked by innovation and adaptability.

We are likely to see an increased integration of AI and AI tools in these coworking spaces. Virtual Reality is also becoming more and more common in our working environment, so it would not be surprising to see it coming to more shared workspaces soon. Additionally, a greater focus on sustainability will shape these spaces, emphasizing eco-friendly practices and designs.

With the number of coworking spaces rising every year (and substantially), coworking spaces are set to transcend traditional boundaries and will blend with sectors such as retail, wellness, and hospitality. The only thing left to say is - why are you waiting to get on this workspace revolution?


Thank you for reading this. Here, I have tried to explore the multifaceted world of coworking spaces in detail. From their rich history to the diverse types, key features, and benefits to the future of these coworking spaces, nothing is left untouched. Do share your feedback as I continue to strive to improve this guide. In the end, I just want to say that - Coworking isn't just about where we work; it's about how we work together, grow, and thrive in an ever-evolving world.