There are many benefits of Coworking Spaces, which include a sense of community and affordability. While working from home might sound lucrative, especially after covid-19. But many folks, after working from home, have already realized many of its disadvantages and have already returned to offices or have rented these Coworking Spaces because of their affordability, because leasing office space can be quite high when you factor in all the expenses.
Working from home can also cause increased isolation which causes a reduction in productivity, especially when you are working as a freelancer. Spending lots of time by yourself can slow you down as there is no one to give you that little nudge that we all need from time to time when we are procrastinating, but with Coworking Space, you are around lots of like-minded folks who can help you feel energetic. While Coworking Spaces are designed in a manner that makes you feel more organized, considering there are many rules that everyone has to follow.
Working from home can very easily take your time without actually getting your work done, as there are lots of distractions like household chores or maybe your pet has to go out. Then you can also easily take your health for granted while working from home. You can put on some weight by munching on food whenever you want as it is easily accessible at your home, and increased isolation can also cause mental pressure on you as we sometimes tend to overwork which can lead to burnout.
Many little expenses can easily weigh on your pocket when you work from home when you have to set up your office space. In comparison to Coworking Spaces, especially when you look at Coworking Spaces in Noida, Noida has some of the best Coworking Spaces. They are affordable, for example, OfficeOn in Noida Sector 2. Office On provides you with a spacious Coworking Space with added amenities like high-speed wifi and coffee and bar etc. There are many such Coworking Spaces in Noida. These Coworking Spaces can save you a good amount of money as you don’t have to spend money on furniture or pay for the internet. Each Coworking Space offers unique amenities depending on your budget. The culture in a Coworking Space is much more energetic compared to your home, where you have to cheer yourself up.
Socialization and Networking Benefits
Working from home gives you a very low chance of networking. Maybe you meet someone at your gym in your neighborhood or maybe when you take your dog for a walk, but that’s it, while when you work from a Coworking Space, you meet a lot of like-minded folks who come from different walks of life with different mindset who can give you a different perspective than yours maybe you find someone who shares the same goal as you, or maybe you find your co-founder at these Coworking Space, There are some of the best and premium Coworking Space in Noida like “Workplace83” where lots of amazing folks come which gives you a good opportunity to socialize and make connections. Often there are networking events where you can meet these folks outside of work. You never know which one of your new connections can help you land your next client. Sometimes you meet the founder of successful companies and business executives who is also working in these Coworking Spaces. You never know what kind of important connection you will end up making. Besides these benefits, your business also gets a major credibility boost. Imagine your client coming to meet you in your private conference room at a Coworking Space as opposed to coming to your home for a business meeting. Which one do you think your client will like?
With more and more people looking for Coworking Space and a space where they feel at home, this is slowly changing the trends of working. Many Coworking Spaces have already started providing private space with some extra charge or personal desk which only you are going to use as long as you are a member, like at WeWork where you can choose a hotdesk which means you can choose any seat each day or a dedicated desk which will only be yours or a private office with a lock. You can choose as per your requirements.
When one talks about Coworking or work-from-home, they both come with their own set of pros and cons, which attract people more and more. While people have had their share of fun in the work-from-home mode already, the majority of them prefer the offline working option, which is possible by Coworking. Coworking is changing the trends of the times that lay ahead and is definitely setting the bar high for workaholics who want to go back to the pre-covid time’s world